【同义词辨析】 2017-09-14 愉悦pleasant-welcome

pleasant: stresses a quality inherent in an object: a ~ evening.

pleasing: close to pleasant, stresses the effect that something on one: a ~ arrangement of color.

agreeable: applies to what is IN ACCORD WITH one's tastes or liking: an ~ companion(同伴).

grateful: implies satisfaction, relief, and comfort yielded by what is agreeable and pleasing: the fire threw a ~ warmth into the room.

gratifying: implies mental pleasure from satisfying one's hopes, desires, conscience and vanity: a ~ sense of accomplishment.

welcome: STRONGER than pleasing and gratifying, stress pleasure by satisfying a prior need or longing: as ~ as rain after a long drought.

pleasant: 强调内在属性, pleasing: 意思接近,但强调效果, agreeable: 符合品味喜好, grateful: 使人满意放松舒适,gratifying: 内心愉悦<--满足愿望良知自尊, welcome: 程度更强,强调满足需求和渴望

记忆方法: 1)首字母联想,WAPPGG: 我爱瓶瓶罐罐-->愉悦

        2)愉悦的意思是令人思想感官上感到快乐mean highly acceptable to or delighting the mind or senses.